You are here: 6. Manufacturing (Roll Forming) System > 6.7. PRODUCTION Menu: Production Processes and Options > 6.7.1. Production - Complete Job Tickets > Allocating Stock to Store Cards > Completing a Store Card for Rolled Stock Serials
Completing a Store Card for Rolled Stock Serials

Rolled stock items that are being fulfilled from unallocated stock are placed on store cards instead of job cards.

To complete a store card for rolled stock serials:

  1. Open the Job Card Completion screen for the job card to be completed.

Refer to "Selecting the Customer Job Card to be Completed".

  1. Select the order line then select the Prime button.

Micronet displays the Select Roll Stock Serial Numbers screen. Note the No. Alloc column displays the quantity selected in the MRF order.

  1. Select the serial line to take stock.

Micronet displays the Edit Roll Stock Serial Numbers screen.

  1. Enter a value for Take Now.

Micronet calculates the total length and displays it on screen.

  1. Select the Accept button.

Micronet updates the screen with the new quantity taken.

  1. Select the Ok button.

Micronet adds the prime line with the quantity completed.

  1. If required, you can maintain the job lines.

Refer to "Maintaining Job and Store Cards".

  1. When you have finished allocating rolled stock items, you can complete the store card.

Refer to "Completing Job and Store Cards".